Book an Appointment at CTS Canadian Career College - Barrie Campus - 546 Bryne Dr., Barrie ON
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Massage Therapy - Student Clinic
The Massage Therapy clinic allows students from the Massage Therapy program at CTS CCC to advance and develop their skill set through effective interviewing, assessment, prescribing remedial exercise, and treatment planning with a variety of techniques/modalities and treatment options, under the mentorship and supervision of a Registered Massage Therapists in Ontario. All information provided will be kept confidential, as we value your privacy and safety while visiting the clinic. Please fill out your personal health history intake form prior to coming to your appointment to ensure you get the most out of your session.
Because this is a learning environment, clinic supervisors may ask permission to enter your space during your massage, to ask students questions about treatment goals, health history, and what your plan for care looks like. Hands-on treatment time is not guaranteed due to each individual assessment needs. Students and their clinic supervisors may also determine that the risks of massage therapy outweighs the benefits; in this case, treatment may be contraindicated, and a referral to another healthcare practitioner may be required.
If you are sick or presenting with cold/flu symptoms, please cancel your appointment as soon as possible, do not attend your appointment. You may cancel online prior to 24 hrs. notice, after that timeframe, please contact the campus directly.
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Located at: 546 Bryne Dr., Unit B, Barrie
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Need Help? 705-725-8776 ext 313